Macrotrachela sp.10, whirling specimen, dorsoventral view. The narrow corona and the bipartite upper lip make this morphotype appear as M. insolita. Unlike the latter, however, this form has no dorsal cusp on the foot (see image below). Focus plane on the two-lobed upper lip. (1) |
Macrotrachela sp.10, creeping specimen, lateral view. No dorsal knob on foot visible. (1) |
Macrotrachela sp.1. Left image: anterior part of whirling specimen, dorsoventral view. In this optical median section the upper lip appears notched. Also visible: the buccal field and mastax / trophi. Corona width slightly smaller or equal to head width (CW: HW ≤ 1). (1) Right: creeping specimen; focus plane on the rostrum / rostrum lamella and the sensory cilia (1) |
Macrotrachela sp.10, creeping . This morphotype is characterized by the pill-like diet in the stomach, so that it was not possible to distinguish from habrotrochid species. Also characteristic: the two bolsters at the rump and the short foot. (1) |
Macrotrachela sp.10, same specimen, creeping, two days later. It is interesting to realize that the bolsters at the rump have disappeared. (2) |
Macrotrachela sp.10, compressed specimen; the arrowheads mark the stomach lumen. (2) |
Macrotrachela sp.10, four aspects of the foot of the same specimen. 3 toes and spurs with broad base and distinct tips. No interspace between spurs. (1) |
Macrotrachela sp.10, ramate trophi. Left: cephalic view; dental formula (DF): 2/2. Right: caudal view; rami length (RaL): 17µm (2) |
Location (1): Sprockhövel Schee, NRW, Germany, pond |
Habitat (1): detritus (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date (1): coll.: 28.12.2021; img.: 28.10.2021 (1); 30.12.2021 (2) |